Refactor Deprecated Variants

If you used Kitbook before v1.0.0-beta.26 then if you read the release notes you noticed the Variants API was simplified. The old api still works, you'll just need to find-replace Variant for DeprecatedVariant to fix the type errors that are now everywhere.

As you have time, you should refactor your variants.ts files to use the new api as the old will disappear in a future major version. To help with the refactoring, here's a one-shot prompt you can use with GPT4 or Llama3 or other LLM of choice. Your mileage may mary, and if you often use more obscure fields consider also updating the one-shot example to use them, even though they are all listed in the types here. Read through the prompt below to understand it with the nice formatting, then use the button here to get the code.

LLM Prompt

I need help refactoring my variants.ts files according to recent api changes. My file is currently working on DeprecatedVariantsModule and I want you to refactor it to be like the VariantModule type defined in the kitbook.ts file. I'll give you an old.variants.ts file that I've already refactored to new.variants.ts so you can learn how to do it. Then please refactor my todo.variants.ts file for me.

Here's my types:

import type { ComponentProps } from 'svelte'
export interface VariantsModule {
shared_meta?: VariantMeta
[key: string]: Variant<any>
export interface VariantMeta {
description?: string
viewports?: Viewport[]
languages?: Language[]
contexts?: MockedContext[]
slot?: string | any
csr?: false
ssr?: false
tests?: {
skip?: boolean
additional?: Record<string, Test>
clientSideRendered?: boolean
export type Variant<T extends SvelteComponent> = { _meta?: VariantMeta } & ComponentProps<T>
export interface DeprecatedVariantsModule {
variants: DeprecatedVariant<any>[]
viewports?: Viewport[]
languages?: Language[]
export interface DeprecatedVariant<T extends SvelteComponent> {
/** Don't copy the name field, but rather use it to name the exported Variant object, using capitals with underscores */
name?: string
description?: string
viewports?: Viewport[]
/** It's important to transfer an empty languages array if it exists as that tells Kitbook to just use it's first active language */
languages?: Language[]
props?: ComponentProps<T>
contexts?: MockedContext[]
/** only the 'default' slot is supported */
slots?: Record<string, string | any>
tests?: {
skip?: boolean
additional?: Record<string, Test>
clientSideRendered?: boolean
interface Viewport {
name?: string
width: number
height: number
interface Language {
name: string
code: string
interface MockedContext {
key: any
context: any

I already took this old version of a file:

import type { DeprecatedVariant, Viewport } from 'kitbook'
import type Component from './+page.svelte'
export const viewports: Viewport[] = [
{ width: 400, height: 300 },
export const variants: DeprecatedVariant<Component>[] = [
name: 'first situation',
props: {
foo: 'bar',
name: 'second instance',
languages: [],
props: {
foo: 'zam',

And turned it into this:

import type { Variant, VariantMeta } from 'kitbook'
import type Component from './+page.svelte'
export const shared_meta: VariantMeta = {
viewports: [
{ width: 400, height: 300 }
const shared = {} satisfies Partial<Variant<Component>>
export const First_Situation: Variant<Component> = {
foo: 'bar',
export const Second_Instance: Variant<Component> = {
foo: 'zam',
_meta: {
languages: [],

Now please refactor this file according to what I've described above:

// your code here
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